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Who are we?

FutureProof Performance was born out of the desire to service the UK with high quality

parts for niche applications without the accompanying high prices. 
In 2017 while working on the FFP drift car the challenges of finding engine management able to handle the needs of modern engines without the eye watering costs was raised, this planted the seed that begin the journey that has led to the founding of FPP.


Ian "Eboy" Walpole

With decades of experience as a motorcycle mechanic and general gear head Ian has ridden, driven and sometimes broken down on nearly every surface known to man. 
Ian brings his years of experience working on every kind of vehicle as well as being the driver of the FPP drift car. 

Simon Orchard

Simon is the techhead at FPP, with a BEng in Motorsport Engineering and experience working at the cutting edge of engine technology, coupled with nearly 2 decades of wrenching experience there are few systems Simon cannot reverse engineer or squeeze more performance out of.

FPP Drift Team

At the heart of our existence is the FPP drift team. 

After a successful 2022 season, taking the teams first podium,

the team are looking forward to getting out in 2023


3 Sisters Drift Meet (11 of 39).jpg

Paul Mundy

Paul has been the strong back and willing hands that has helped keep the car on the track through thick and thin.


John Amor

John has been with the team from the start, as the teams on and off wrench for hire, John has always been there to help pull things together at the last minute.

© 2024 FutureProof Performance Ltd. 

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